Kundalini is the energy of every person and hidden in the tail bone. For the spiritualist, kundalini been known in general. They perform a variety of methods to awaken kundalini. Only by awakening the kundalini one can achieve enlightenment in the spiritual. For those who have experienced the kundalini awakening experience various sensations in meditation. Generally the same experience, although there are a few different things, depending on one's karma.
There are some signs someone had risen kundalini.
There are some signs someone had risen kundalini.
- Spiritual knowledge of one's wider and deeper.
- The movement of energy in some limbs.
- At the crown chakra feels there is a swirl.
- The body moves itself while doing meditation
- Disruption of daily activities, such as mealtime and bedtime are irregular.
- There is a burning sensation in multiple limbs.
- An unstable emotion, like laughing and suddenly angry.
- Sudden psychic abilities.
- Less sexual desire and excess.
Kundalini is a dangerous force. Kundalini awakening process requires considerable time for cleanup, even it takes years for the kundalini energy is completely clean. The cleaning process of the muscles and bones resulting in the bones move and shift giving rise to noise. Pressure and movement of the bones can cause tremendous pain. Cleaning the head resulting in pain and psychiatric disorders. That causes a lot of people experiencing psychiatric disorders while trying to awaken the kundalini.
The pressure generated in the process of cleaning the head is the most difficult problems experienced. Pressure was felt shredding nerves and skull bones to shift. It is very difficult to understand ordinary people. Doctors could not even detect things like this.
With various consequences thereof, are advised to them to find a compatible teacher and really knows about kundalini.