Grounding is a technique to link themselves to the heavens and the earth. This technique is useful for cleansing the chakras ofnegative energy. Aims at maintaining energy balance of the heavens and the earth. Negative energy will be channeled to the earth, then the positive energy from the sky will go through the crown chakra.
Techniques to perform grounding are as follows:
- Imagine a bright white light from above down into the crown chakra and crown chakra expanded and made more like a lotusflower, and the more brightly lit.
- Light through the crown chakra in the middle, the light began to enter his head.The more light enters the head, and continue to meet throughout the head and pushed from the Ajna Chakra, Ajna chakraresulting in fully inflate.
- Light fills the entire head and down to meet the throat, the throat chakra encourages full bloom.
- That light down into the chest cavity, pushing the heart chakra is fully bloom.
- The light was off and the belly chakra, sex chakra and chakra muladhara. Make all the chakra through which full bloom.
- Then the light was down to earth bring negative energy from our bodies, bless the earth with love and the earth will respond with a green light up toward the body. Keep the light of the heavens and the earth is always connected constantly.