For Hindus, daily life is inseparable from the various events Yadnya. As a form of devotion to Hyang Widhi. Hindus, especially in Bali, busy with various Yadnya ceremony which would require no small cost. As the influence of sect Shiva Sidhanta where Shiva is the god most of all, the Balinese life is inseparable from life noetic. Trimurti Shiva as a manifestation of the god was the god who led the Bhuta Kala, all the ghosts, and his life is inseparable from the lives of the bhuta kala. But Shiva himself very holy life, although the master of all evil bhuta kala. That is why Shiva is considered as the leader and the most important role in life. So in the lives of Balinese Hinduism is embodied with various Yadnya to the Bhuta Kala. In addition, various other Yadnya also be implemented as Yadnya Gods, Human Yadnya, and Rsi Yadnya.
So many Yadnya done from life is still in the womb until death and ends with the cremation ceremony, which showed how people of a high sense of devotion presented to Hyang Widhi. On the other hand the more Yadnya done will certainly drain the bag, and probably many Balinese people are so lost all the patrimony Yadnya fit only to do customs and traditions. No doubt banya Balinese sell their ancestral lands only to perform cremation ceremony. Although the legacy of the ancestors, and also cremation ceremony for the ancestors, we must think keedepan. Children are the future of our grandchildren who will inherit it. So that we do not get stuck in a difficult situation, between the confusion between the teachings, traditions, customs and religion, let us think logically and further examine the major teachings of Hinduism which is based on the Vedas.
Religious life in Bali is very influenced by some such ejection Bhuwana Kosa, Wrespati Tatwa, Sangkulputih, and some papyrus that govern Yadnya. Where did it come from? from which source? of course it all comes from the Vedic scriptures. Rsi, rsi are spreading Hinduism to Indonesia from India, they brought his teachings and adjust to the conditions in Indonesia, but they certainly will not remove its core teachings. So we thought for a moment what the essence of Hinduism. Hopefully we as Balinese hospitality is more aware, we return to the private individual. Let us learn together, reflecting, trying to discover that there is a straight line on a Hindu. Actually Hinduism is very flexible, very simple, but save the grandeur of immensity. Are the various Yadnya that we will actually achieve the ultimate goal. Let us try to uncover some of the discourse in the Bhagavad Gita (Song of Bhagawan / God).
Bhagavad Gita Sloka 10.12
maharsinam bhrgur aham giram asmy Ekam aksaramyajnanam Japa-yajnyo 'smi sthavaranam himalaya
Between noble sages, I was Bhrgu; between the vibrations of sound I am the OM that is spiritual. Among the sacrifices I am the sayings of God's holy names (japa), and between objects that do not move I am the Himalaya mountains.
Sloka above clearly mentions that the main thing is Yadnya Yadnya recite the names of God mentioned repeatedly. Just imagine if the Japa-Yadnya remove any material it matter? money for example? not at all, Japa-Yadnya be focuses on efforts to link themselves with God. Efforts to get closer to the spirit that is in us to realize the existence of God that exist in every living thing. What is needed in Japa Yadnya every individual is striving to find the Main Spirit in him. Train yourself in yoga and say recite the mantra with conviction is the most noble form Yadnya to God. So if we're so close to our identity so there again we will ask ourselves whether we should perform a variety of other Yadnya who spend a lot of money? and whether the Yadnya it all really right on target in accordance with our wishes?