Meditation is an attitude to focus on a particular object so that we can imagine is real in the mind. Currently described as yoga and meditation, but it actually has a very clear distinction. Yoga is more an attitude combining fitness and concentration. But in modern society, it is considered equal. The tradition of yoga comes from the tradition of India which survived thousands of years and is a Hindu religious heritage. In its development almost every culture in the world inherited and adapted to local traditions. Basically the goal of yoga is the approach to God. In the teachings of Hindu God has a manifestation in every living thing. In his form as paramaatma, God can know and control every creature creations. Because of the nature of God is the human being fully conscious of the greatness of God, will perform a self-attitude approach to Him through yoga or meditation. In other words, the goal of yoga and meditation is to discover the greatness of God within us. So that by itself we will be in God consciousness.
Meditation and yoga covers a wide range of body, breath and mind. With regular practice and discipline it will make us healthy body physically and mentally. Yoga can activate the chakras on the body and clean it. With active major chakras in the body, the body of negative energies will be discarded by each chakra, then the positive energy from nature will be absorbed. That process will be repeated during active chakras, so that our bodies will always be healthy. In the tradition of ancient India, the adherents of Hinduism did a lot of extreme things through meditation, fasting and by doing odd posture as head buried into the ground while performing the worship of gods adored.
In the development of yoga in the West, the practitioners further highlight to the peace of the soul as the ultimate goal. Better health will be more quickly felt, and there are only looked at yoga as a lifestyle only. Yet if yoga is based on the desire to approach God then someone could have reached the stage of enlightenment is described as a Buddhist in the Hindu tradition. Restrictions on all material life and completely on the spiritual life happy. And the nature of love will develop in someone who often do yoga.
Currently, many different reference materials from various books and institutions engaged in this field. You may participate in the yoga group, or train independently through guide books. The most important note is that the primary purpose of meditation is an approach to God. In the tradition of India, yoga is mostly done with the pronunciation of mantras addressed to a particular god. Merging yoga with faith someone will give precise results and our own liking. With advances in technology today, yoga can be done more easily through the medium of recording, we just listened to the counselors yoga instruction through a sound recording or even via videotape. The most decisive was the attitude of discipline in doing it every day, and you can even do it twice a day or more. With practice the discipline then the chakras in the body will always be active and growing. On his way, a person sometimes get bored and feel there is no point in doing meditation. With faith and patience then you will get something different and get invaluable happiness.
For someone who wants more seriously pursue meditation, you should seek an experienced spiritual teacher, and adhere to any given doctrine. Respecting the spiritual teacher is the most important thing to do. With so then you believe it will be more fully upon the chosen way of life.
Yoga is the most efficacious drugs of various kinds of mental illness experienced by today's modern society. Stress is the number one disease that most often experienced by a person, business or competition due to family problems. Yoga is the answer, and it would not hurt you to try and do it every day. Make yoga as a necessity of life that will guide you to happiness and spiritual soul.