Nyepi Day is something very unique in Bali and is the only tradition in the world. This tradition is growing as a Hindu in Bali and the development of this tradition does not exist in India as a Hindu religious center in the world. Nyepi Day of great benefit to mankind throughout the world. As we care about the environment and the universe. On the day of Nyepi Balinese people really forget about all the activities of life.
There was only silence without any activity. The world is like uninhabited, far from all the hustle and bustle of human activity. Nyepi also play a role in the GO GREEN program worldwide.
The meaning of Nyepi Day I took from Lontar Cundarigama are:
Tilem Kesanga
Atta ring cetra masa, Tilem Kunang, sasucening watek Dewata kabeh , hana ring telenging samudra, met sarining amrta kamandalu, yogya mwang kabeh ngaturaken puja krti, ring sarwa Dewata, keyeki kramania. Catur daci ikang kresna paksa, agawyakna Bhuta Yadnya, rikang catus pataning desa, nistania pancasata, madyana pancasanak, utamania Tawur Agung Yamaraja, pinuja dening Sang Mahapandita, Ciwa Budha sakawu-kawu kunang sega mancawarna, 9 tanding, iwak sakta brumbun rinancana, saha tabuh tok, arak, genahing acaru ring dengen, sambut Sang Bhutaraja mwang Sang Kalaraja. Mwangbalapan sasah 108 tanding iwaknia jejeron mentah, segehan agung 1, sorenia glarakna ikang tawur kabeh, ring lwang nikang dauh kala, nga. Telasing tawur, ngrupik, nga, ika mantukakna ikang Bhuta Kala kabeh angunduraken sasab mrana. Crana obor-obor, gni saprakpak, sembur, maswi, mantra dening sarwa tatulak wisya, mwang penyengker agung, iderin saumah dening geni ika, telas mangkana ikang mwang sajalwistrinia, abyakalan ing natar, ayabin sesayut pamyakala, lara melaradan prayascita. Enjangnia anyepi mati geni ika tan wenang anyambut karya salwirnia, mwang agni-agni kunang, ri saparaning genahnia. Gelarakna yoga semadi.
the translate is:
On the eve of casih Kesanga (March), the so-called 'cetramasa', especially in the month of death (Tilem), is a day to be holy the gods of all, at sea, to enjoy the core essence of the holy water of eternal life. Hence it being understood people deliver to worship service presented to the gods, with the following procedures: At panglong ping 14 casih Kesanga (one day before the month of death), should perform the ceremony mecaru / Bhuta Yadnya at the intersection of the village. The level is, the smallest with pancasata caru ( 5 chicken ), medium levels, with Pancasanak (five chicken plus ducks), while the main level is Tawur Agung taking Yamaraja. Bhuta Yadnya was chaired by Maha Pandita ( Peranda, Rsi, Mpu).
In the yard of the house performed the ceremony in the form segehan mancawarna, number nine servings, with processed chicken meat, palm wine and arak. Caru was placed in the front yard of the house, presented to Bhutaraja. Bhutakala and Kalabala given treats segehan 108 servings of rice, contain raw intestines and segehan Agung one serving. This ceremony is performed in the afternoon. After the ceremony, then do Pengerupukan which aims to restore or repel Bhutakala. Equipment used is the torch, maswi, with mantras repellent hazards, and protective spells yard. Ceremony performed by the yard surrounding the house. After the ceremony is completed followed by abyakala to residents.
The next day, do sipeng (quiet), amatigeni (no fire), amati karya (not working), amati lelungaan (not traveling) and amati lelanguan (not riotous). The important note is worth doing yoga meditation on that day .
The main meaning of the day of Nyepi is an effort of self-control of the passions, in order to avoid the vices. Thus we will be able to draw closer to God. Only the properties of goodness that will grow in our hearts.
One day before Nyepi, the Hindu people celebrate 'Pengerupukan' by burning ogoh-ogoh as symbolic of the effort to drive out evil nature and evil in human beings. Ogoh-ogoh made to resemble various forms Bhutakala. Before burning, ogoh-ogoh paraded around the village. Currently the development of tourism in Bali makes the manufacture of ogoh-ogoh getting upgraded, with the goal of adding a major tourist attraction. Even local governments implement the championship making ogoh-ogoh, to enhance the creativity of the community.